One of my intellectual hobbies is the study of generations. What made them what they are, where are the boundaries between generations, where are the sub-generations and exceptions, and so on. It’s a fascinating subject. A second hobby is interacting with and exploring artificial intelligence engines. So this post will explore both: generations and AI….
Author: admin
Testing different site themes
As this site is still ‘under construction’ I’m testing different themes for the features that I want. I’ve discovered that some features are lacking in this theme, so I will be testing other themes until I find the right one. You may notice that menus and content are not in the place you expect, or…
Hearing Conversation as a HoH or Deaf Person
In this episode of Going on Walkabout, I talk about how I experience spoken conversation as a hard-of-hearing or deaf person. Closed captions are available.
How my Parents Dealt with H.I. Education
In this episode of Going on Walkabout, I talk about what I remember about my parents dealing with Hearing Impaired Program education for me in the 1980s and 1990s and how grateful I am for their sacrifices. Closed captions are available.
Parents: Preserving Stories for Your Deaf Offspring
On this episode of Going on Walkabout, I talk to parents about preserving stories for their deaf or hard-of-hearing offspring. Closed captions are available.
New ReSound Hearing Aids Compared to Old Ones
In this episode of Going on Walkabout, I compare my new ReSound hearing aids to older ones I’ve had. Closed captions are available.
2+ Years Without Hearing Aids (What It Was Like)
In this episode of Going on Walkabout, I describe what it was like to go 2+ without working hearing aids. Closed captions available.
‘Going on Walkabout’ Videocast
Recently, I started a videocast on YouTube called “Going on Walkabout”. It was the best name I could come up with for now. The purpose of the videocast is to talk about my life experiences as a Hard-of-Hearing / Deaf individual. Here is the Introduction video; all videos on this videocast are closed captioned.